Monday, December 8, 2008

Roy G Biv

Over the weekend a friend mentioned to me that she thought my blog was in competition with another to see who could go the longest without posting. Heh. Without going into too much detail, the post below was started sometime in December of 2008~ I guess I've been spending waay too much time at work, or something. :) When I'm home and not working on a project I tend to spend too much time on Ravelry, too
Do you view your yarn-in-waiting as stash or a collection?

I've always had a project or idea in mind when buying yarn. It was always stash- Sock yarn took me in to the "Duh, it'll be socks" mode.

Well, ahh... here's a few socks' worth:

This is Wollmeise sock yarn, and it has clearly brought me right to collection mode like no yarn before! It's an addicting yarn, indeed. The colors are great, and my often-worn Wollmeise socks show NO WEAR. That's right, no wear at all!

For the most part I have greatly reined in purchases of other yarn in the past six months. (Although I could certainly use a full year break!) This was a greatly needed activity because of the Wollmeise purchases *and* new yarn coming off the spinning wheel.

Can you see the tree reflected on the screen? I wasn't kidding about December~ :)


Cathy-Cate said...

She's ALI-I-I-IVE!

Now I see the original Ravatar pic! In the little Ravatar, it looks like the skeins are hanging, like wineglasses in a fine restaurant ready to use: if wineglasses were in chromatic order. Lovely! I still am in the 'don't-want-to-knit-with-it-because-I-have-only-a-little' stage (remember, two of the skeins I got went to my daughters technically....) but I am working myself up to knitting with one finally. It's a psychological thing. Claudia is coming to the Loopy Ewe Spring Fling, so perhaps I might be able to get a little bit more and get over my psychological hangup then!

Just call me "Twisted" and you "Wollmeise" (though I do have a non-Twisted project on the needles right now, the YoYo's CashSport for sportweight socks, but it's a stealth project for my mom, so you won't see it on the blog until her April birthday). And I finished a pair of socks for my Dad and started the sportweight ones, which feel like cheating, they go so fast. What's become of me? All these socks? ;-)

limedragon :-: Harriet said...

These are all just so gorgeous! Someday I will manage to get a skein. : )

I also love your Stonehenge Cowl, it looks great!!

twinsetellen said...

You just might addict me to Wollmeise yet!

Deepa said...

Holy Shamoley.

I had no idea you had that many skeins of Wollmeise!! Uh, yeah, definitely a collection. Along the lines of the crazy lady who "collects" 115 cats.

Just kidding. :) Actually *insanely* jealous!