Can you ask for more than wonderful friends and family?
Last night I met up with my Wednesday night knitting group and we exchanged holiday gifts. I just can't get over how incredibly thoughtful and wonderful each and every item was. Thank you Dullknitters!
Deepa gave personalized knitting necklaces with Elizabeth Zimmerman's well-known words of encouragement.
Renee contacted
Scout and commissioned personalized swag! She sent an image of the coffee house we meet in each week.
(On the right is the only image I have from the space. This was taken over a year ago.) This is the first stash item that just may be too precious to knit with.

Useful and tasty knitting gear from Addie and Marge:

We each received a yummy truffle from Celeste Chocolates, a
Blue Sky Guide, and a homemade gift from Connie's pantry. I've never had a blue sky, but I just love it. It's chock full of great stuff in the Twin Cities. Lifted from their website (linked above), "[Blue Sky Guide is an]... innovative resource contains tips, information and coupons for products and services promoting healthy living and reducing environmental impacts in the Twin Cities."

That bottle? Homemade Cherry Bomb-- Vodka steeped over fresh cherries and infused with honey and casked for months. Mmmmmm. I'll try not drink the whole bottle and invite y'all over in a few weeks. Promise.

November couldn't join us last night, but did request a Holiday meme. I'm not a meme kinda girl-- although I'll offer an exception this time of year.
If you want to use this meme on your blog, feel free to substitute the winter holiday of your choice & to add/subtract questions.
What was the best Christmas present you got as a kid? I always loved the crazy-huge boxes of stuff from my great aunt. She would pack in paper, games, toys, silly items, a cute outfit or two-- I just loved opening them! They took forever to get to the bottom. I try to replicate this experience for my brother each year. He just laughs. The extended family moans. :)
What was the best Christmas present you got as an adult? The absence of an NRA membership.
What’s your favorite Christmas carol? Ukrainian Bell Carol/Carol of the Bells
How long can you stand to listen to Christmas music before you break? one month
How many Christmas albums do you own? 3
Did you ever go caroling as a kid? Yes. Lots!
Would you willingly eat fruitcake? No!
Do you own any Christmas sweaters? Absolutely not!
Did your family have any Christmas traditions? We always spend Christmas eve with the extended family, then would go to midnight service. Once 'the kids' (re: my brother and I) were in college the family started enjoying more alcoholic beverages. The last time we went to one of these services was in 2004. Only the drivers and kids under 21 were sober. I remember my brother leaning over to me and loudly whispering, "We're all going to hell." Lots of laughter ensued. I think 1/2 of my childhood congregation heard him. :)
Do you buy Christmas presents for your pets? A few treats.
What’s your favorite Christmas cookie? Simple butter cookie with an Andes mint in the middle. My aunt makes 'em.
What’s your stocking look like? It hasn't been out in ages and is probably in a box at my parent's home-- it's red with white fuzz and the diminutive form of my name painted in sparkles across the top.
What is the oldest ornament on your tree? My brother's first Christmas ornament- circa 1979. Why I have this, unknown. I'm adding it to his mega box this year.
Real or artificial? Artificial. I leave it up and decorated year round. :) After the holiday I wrap it in plastic & cart it into the basement.
How do you feel about Christmas letters? Love 'em-- as long as their short with a picture or two.
How far would you drive to see Christmas lights? A couple minutes, tops.
Are you a fan of tasteful or tacky? Classic. Tasteful.
Do you have any Christmas collections? I'm primarily a yarn collector. That counts, yeah?
Have a great Holiday season everyone!