Sunday, January 28, 2007

Mutant Amaryllis!

Work has been... ah, busy (stressful) lately, so there hasn't been a post for a while. Sorry, dear fellow readers.

The Amaryllis bulb below was planted the second week of December, and took FOREVER to grow. To my surprise, it actually bloomed just a few days ago. By Tuesday something funny started to poke through. Can you see it here? Yes, there are FIVE blooms from the first stem! Five, as is Five golden rings. Five! Craziness. I wonder if the flower will open straight up??? On top of that, this was a special bulb with two stems-- can't wait to see how many blossoms form on that one. I'll keep you updated on the second blossom. On Wednesday, Renee gave the boys a squeeky toy. Both Toby and Paco love it, and want to say "Thank you very much. Come over and play with us anytime. We're always here".

Renee also brought her needle felting accouterments on Wednesday night, so Mr. Hedgehog (still in 'puppet' form) now has a face. It's a Fiber Trend pattern, and was knit/felted last fall. Two-color eyes were created via democratic vote. He had a "Hedgehog of the Corn" look for a short while.
Paco loves the addition of both toys to the house.

I've been working on the January UFO. The second anklet should easily be completed by next Wednesday (and it will be!), although...

I've been cheating a little bit.

Have a great weekend!


renee said...

Such a cute picture with the squeeky toy!

Deepa said...

Good progress with the waving lace! What is the red sock in the picture...I can't seem to remember. You're going to have a very full sock drawer at this rate.

Keep at it...the tofutsies and jojoland beckon...;)

Guinifer said...

I love the hedgehog, of course. The two socks underway are beautiful.