Here's the sweater again.

How about ES and EL?

Workable, or should I just give up and start dreaming about Harrisville Shetland?
on a Kitchen Cotton Budget
Workable, or should I just give up and start dreaming about Harrisville Shetland?
I've heard that German knitters call this a "boomerang" heel. It's knit back and forth. How cute is that?
Great pattern. The sleeves roll a bit for me, even after the garter edging. I've been thinking about picking up the edges and knitting a short-row sleeve cap.
Pattern: Lotus Blossom, Interweave Knits Summer 2006
Yarn: Cotton Patine, 8 skeins
Modifications: Added an extra 2", knit one size smaller for bodice.
Finished June 2007
Great pattern, except for the horrible collar. Blocking is a necessity here! It still needs a zipper.
Pattern: Rosedale at
Yarn: Noro Kureyon and Kathmandu Aran (black)
Modifications: Intarsia on both sides, not on front. Created thicker stripes on front of Cardigan.
Finished: December 2006
Do you think it will work in Kauni EL and EZ?
EDIT: love Renee's comment: Kauni is actually a Danish company, so you're perfectly well balanced and not obsessive at all. :-)
For fear of spoilers from all sides I finished reading HP7 over the weekend-- and didn't finish the Sockapalooza 4 socks. August is closing in fast! Must finish these socks!!!
You've always wanted to make a pair of entrelac socks knit on double OO's, right?
The yarn is Anne Shaefer and EL Silky Wool. The formula begins by casting on 100 stitches and knitting in 2 x 2 rib. I started knitting this sock in stockinette, and the colors looked, well, absolutely disgusting. I played around- and this is where I ended up.
Off the foot each square puffs out and looks like an intensely colored piece of tile. I kept thinking the sock looked like a hot air balloon.
Even though it looks huge, it fits quite well. Doing it over again, I would eliminate the weird break between the leg and foot on the instep. To do this, I'd have to rip out the heel-- and there's just no way I'm going to do that!
Clearly, the sock has been in hibernation for some time. I knit the majority of this sock during the late-mid winter of 2006. This year I didn't pick it up. Perhaps I was obsessed with another project and didn't even think about it...
Next winter, maybe?